Absent Power Teams: Why Africa Deserved Significant Increase in World Cup Allocations?

One underlying issue of an expanded World Cup is whether confederations like Africa (CAF) and Asia (AFC) should get more teams into the World Cup finals and whether they deserve additional slots. Of course, a supportive position argues that the basis for additional slots comes from the fact that the two confederations have large memberships and World Cup allocations should reflect the number of members in a confederation. That argument is rooted in representation and it is compelling. However, there also exists a different argument that is rooted on performance . It is one that states that only the best teams should be at the World Cup finals. In the past, World Cup qualification has been based on both ideas of representation and performance . Representation assures that each confederation (except Oceania) is represented by a certain number of teams at the World Cup finals. FIFA makes the decision on number of slots to allocate to each confederation. In doing so, it...