THE DEBATE: Who Should Make the Eagles' Team?

June 30, 2020 -- Today, I present two opposing sides of the debate on who should be or not be the FOCUS of selection by the Nigerian national team. This is not about who is eligible to play for Nigeria because that has already been determined by FIFA's edict. Instead, the debate is who ought to be selected by Nigerian coaches for the country to have an optimal chance in both Africa and the world. The Focus Should be on Selecting ONLY European-based Players It is clear that since the 1990s, Nigeria's best players are based oversea, specifically Europe. This makes logical sense given that players seek the best compensation for their labor and it is a fact that such compensation, at the moment, is possible mostly in Europe. It is not in Nigeria as was the case up until the 1980s. The world has changed, indeed. Importantly and additionally, the eligibility rules set by FIFA gives Nigeria access to to players born to Nigerian parents in Europe. If you think about Nigeri...